A New Era for Gold Nitrate Nanoparticle Applications
I. T. D. Botelho
Departamento de Física, GRUMA—Grupo de Magnetoeletricidade, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Rede Nordeste de Ensino – RENOEN, Campus Universitário Paulo VI, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
S. R. B. Ferreira
Centro de Estudos Superiores de Pinheiro – CESPI, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Rua Diogo dos Reis, Matriz, Pinheiro – MA, Faculdade Estácio, Rua Grande, 1455 – Centro, São Luís – MA, Brazil.
W. S. Ferreira *
Departamento de Física, GRUMA—Grupo de Magnetoeletricidade, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Rede Nordeste de Ensino – RENOEN, Campus Universitário Paulo VI, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Gold nanoparticles are included in the group of metallic nanoparticles, and their application has become possible recently because of new optical equipment, electronic devices, and probes capable of manufacturing, detecting, and identifying biomolecules of medical interest. Among the range of nanoparticles, one stands out: the gold nanoparticle. It doesn't possess toxic characteristics and can be administered in vivo. In this study, the structural, optical and electronic properties of gold nitrate were investigated using the density functional theory formalism, considering the gradient generalized approximation. Finally, we observe its application in nanobiotechnology, specifically photothermal applications.
Keywords: Nanoscience, gold, biomedicine, DFT