Relationship between the Orientation of Leaves in Space and the Rice Development Process

Makoundou Alaric *

Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.

Ongouya Mouekouba Dalcantara Liana

Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.

Mbon Nguekou Chrichna

Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.


Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The objective of this study was to evaluate plants of SPU-79-96 forms with a short, dense, non-drooping panicle and SPU78-96 plants with a long, drooping panicle. This characteristic of these forms is the vertical arrangement of the leaves on the stem.

Methodology and Results: Four growth components were measured after sowing in the field: the angle of deviation of the leaf from the main stem, leaf area, plant height, and length of the main panicle. The experimental design was a randomized split-plot with three (3) replicates. The lowest values were observed in plants SPU-78-96(10,3 to 11,00), highest in SPU-79-96 (10,7 to 12,7 0), the leaf deviation angle in the control variety Nerica 4 was 23,7 to 25,50. The ratio of panicle length to plant height was 23,3 to 29%. Plant yield was higher (1082,4 to 1384,5g/m2) in the long panicle and was 59,13% higher than in the control variety.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the vertical arrangement of the leaves plays a role in the production process, plants with a higher PAR efficiency accumulate more biomass, thus increasing yields.

Keywords: Rice, space, process, variety, yield

How to Cite

Alaric, Makoundou, Ongouya Mouekouba Dalcantara Liana, Mbon Nguekou Chrichna, and Attibayeba. 2024. “Relationship Between the Orientation of Leaves in Space and the Rice Development Process”. Biotechnology Journal International 28 (4):78-82.