Relationship between the Orientation of Leaves in Space and the Rice Development Process
Makoundou Alaric *
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.
Ongouya Mouekouba Dalcantara Liana
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.
Mbon Nguekou Chrichna
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.
Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Production; Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien NGOUABI University, BP: 69, Republic of Congo.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The objective of this study was to evaluate plants of SPU-79-96 forms with a short, dense, non-drooping panicle and SPU78-96 plants with a long, drooping panicle. This characteristic of these forms is the vertical arrangement of the leaves on the stem.
Methodology and Results: Four growth components were measured after sowing in the field: the angle of deviation of the leaf from the main stem, leaf area, plant height, and length of the main panicle. The experimental design was a randomized split-plot with three (3) replicates. The lowest values were observed in plants SPU-78-96(10,3 to 11,00), highest in SPU-79-96 (10,7 to 12,7 0), the leaf deviation angle in the control variety Nerica 4 was 23,7 to 25,50. The ratio of panicle length to plant height was 23,3 to 29%. Plant yield was higher (1082,4 to 1384,5g/m2) in the long panicle and was 59,13% higher than in the control variety.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the vertical arrangement of the leaves plays a role in the production process, plants with a higher PAR efficiency accumulate more biomass, thus increasing yields.
Keywords: Rice, space, process, variety, yield